
The Estonian Association of Teachers of English welcomes all EL teachers to join EATE.

The annual membership fee is €10. We offer our members a discount at our summer seminars and conferences. Members who attend our seminar or conference get a copy of the EATE journal OPEN!


To become an EATE member send a letter to We would like to know the following about you:

  1. your name,
  2. e-mail address that you regularly use. This will be added to the EATE mailing list,
  3. your workplace.

You are considered a member from the moment you have paid your membership fee (10 euros) for the current year to EATE bank account EE331010152001597007. Use the Estonian name Eesti Inglise Keele Õpetajate Selts when paying the fee.


You can renew your membership by transferring your annual fee €10 to Eesti Inglise Keele Õpetajate Selts EE331010152001597007 SEB.

You can also join EATE and renew your membership at our annual conferences and summer seminars.