National Public Speaking Competition 2024


International Public Speaking Competition 2024
National Final, March 19

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so


Tallinn Secondary School of Science and Tallinn University in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research and English-Speaking Union are delighted to extend an invitation to your best secondary school students aged 16-19 (grades 10-12) to participate in our annual National Public Speaking Competition. The event will be held at Tallinn Secondary School of Science on March 19, 2024.


This competition provides an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their English language skills, fostering confidence and adaptability in a global environment. Encouraging English language learning at all levels is crucial in a world where language and communication skills are key to success.


Each participating school may enter two speakers and participation in the competition is free.

There are seven different themes for the 14th NPSC to choose from:

  • Rethinking poverty: creating a positive outlook for everyone to succeed
  • The power of positive thinking: impact on health and well-being
  • Education beyond borders: a global vision for quality learning
  • Decent work, dignified lives: changing the way we think about economic progress
  • Mindful consumption: reshaping production for a sustainable tomorrow
  • Climate consciousness: how our thoughts impact environmental action
  • Peaceful minds, just societies: the role of perception in global harmony



We kindly request schools to pre-register their participation (just school & the number of participants) by February 14, 2024, through this LINK.


The winner of our competition will represent our country at the International Public Speaking Competition in London on May 13-17, 2024. The programme fees for the winner’s stay in London are covered by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and its partners. Other prizes will also be awarded to participants.


We encourage you and your students to seize this unique opportunity for growth and international exposure. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Brief Overview of Speaker Expectations


Prepared Speech

Duration: 5 minutes

Theme: one of the given themes narrowed down by the speaker

Palm cards allowed, but memorisation is highly recommended.

Questions and Answers:

Duration: 3-4 minutes


Semi-Finals (For Qualifying Students):

Prepared Impromptu Speech

Duration: 3 minutes

Topic provided on the spot with 15 minutes preparation time.

Only aiding material allowed: English-English dictionary


Additional Details: 

Refer to the official ESU International guidance for speakers.

Interview with Sandra Näks, the winner of NPSC 2023; and her winning speech, Open 62, 2023, p 56

Picture gallery of the NPSC 2023


Event Schedule (19.03.2024):

Venue: Tallinn Secondary School of Science, Estonia pst 6

12:30 – Registration in the hall

13:00 – Opening in the assembly hall

13:15-14:45 – Heats in 6-7 rooms

14:45-15:15 – Free lunch for speakers and teachers

15:30-16:30 – Impromptu Speeches

17:00-18:00 – Finals

18:30 – Awards ceremony and photos

For any enquiries about the competition or the pre-registration process, don’t hesitate to contact us at